The start of something beautiful
I started this blog because I like to write. I need to write. And right now, things are placed perfectly to (re)start this little pet project: I want to interact more with Github, I’m learning Go, and I’ve just found out about Hugo and the idea of having an engine to generate static web-pages makes the whole point of having a blog more as a repository of ideas with minimum maintance is just too good to ignore.
So, while I’m studying this new language, trying out new ideas and finding out some curious facts, I’m also writing. But I must confess I know this won’t be exclusively a blog about development, despite being one of my favourite topics: I’m just an ordinary nerd and I can’t help being excited for all the usual things nerds love: movies, TV series, games and so on. If you’re reading this site, I bet you’ll like to talk about those things as well; if not, just skip those posts that you don’t find interesting and come back anytime to check for new blog entries. And don’t hesitate to leave a message: I may avoid talking about the Marvel super-hero universe if everybody who reads my blog are more a DC person.
Anyways, expect to find a lot of series here: a stream of many topics talking about only one theme and that should be read as one long post. I’ll try to keep a small table of contents of some sort so readers can easily jump from one post to another, but I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to do that, so keep an eye for links on posts.
Also, I’m posting this right after having the system installed, and I expect to play around to customize the layout (perhaps even creating my own Hugo theme?) sometime in the near future, and I’ll appreciate any input, both about what to change in the current layout as to what include/exclude/modify in the new custom theme. I’ll try to post my findings and a walkthrough the whole process, but I’m not sure if that will be possible or even interesting…
All source codes, examples and projects I’ll be using in this blog will be available at my
Github repository: feel free to enjoy them as you like - I just kindly ask to always
point where you find them! And, please, let me know too - not only I’ll be very proud to see that others find my work
interesting, but I might as well publish here!
As expected, any suggestion and/or question are more than welcome! The blog still doesn’t have any kind of comment functionality, but you can find my on Twitter!